
How I Treated My Skin Eczema With Hijama Cupping Therapy?

  Hijama cupping therapy played a vital role in completing my journey towards recovery against eczema within 13 months. Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin issue that affects individuals of all ages but children are mostly affected by eczema. It is considered a type of dermatitis that causes skin inflammation. It is not contagious. Our skin is made up of several layers and each layer performs an important duty to protect our skin through these skin barriers. The outer layer of the skin can be described as a brick wall. This brick wall consists of skin cells. Keratin and natural moisturizers are found inside these skin cells. Our skin cells protect our skin from free radicals and harsh chemicals. Without these incredible skin barriers, these harmful toxins and pathogens can penetrate inside the skin and may cause damage to the skin. There are several types of eczema but I am discussing only my eczema type: dyshidrotic eczema. Symptoms of Dyshidrotic Eczema Common symptoms of dyshi...

Benefits Of Neck Hijama Points 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44

  Hijama cupping therapy effectively reduces neck pain and alleviates muscle tension by targeting neck Hijama points. Hijama cupping therapy is a traditional healing practice involving cups on the skin to create suction. This suction enhances energy flow and promotes the body’s natural healing processes. The mechanism of cupping therapy operates by applying negative pressure to the skin. This pressure stimulates increased blood circulation, loosens tight connective tissues, and accelerates the body’s recovery mechanisms by drawing toxins away from internal organs, cupping therapy aids in their elimination through incisions. Hijama points: 39, 40, 41,42,43, and 44 are around the neck. Hijama point 39  is located on the occipital bone, the area at the back of the head. Hijama point 40  is located on the lower back of the head, in the middle of the back of the neck. Hijama point 41  is located on the back of the head to the right side of the neck. Hijama point 42  ...

Does Hijama Cupping Therapy Help Get Rid Of Food Cravings?

Food cravings can lead us to choose unhealthy food and may disrupt our efforts to follow a healthy diet for healthy living.   What Is A Food Craving? A food craving is an uncontrollable force that inclines an individual to consume a specific type of food, specifically unhealthy. Why We Crave For Food? Human bodies crave specific kinds of unhealthy food because our brain releases feel-good hormones called dopamine, while the stomach starts producing hunger hormones. When we consume junk food loaded with sugar, fructose, starch, and corn syrup we feel satisfied for a short time. After we satisfy our craving, dopamine releases again, and along with dopamine a happy hormone, serotonin is released to make us feel better for a short period. This temporary happiness ends up being depressed and anxious. Our body releases another hormone leptin that signals our body to stop eating junk food. Still, as we satisfy our cravings all the time, the leptin hormone stops working, the body develops ...