
Watermelon With Fresh Dates-A Sunnah Food

  The combination of watermelon and dates is mentioned in several ahadith. Let’s explore them and the benefits of this powerful combo. Our Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was not fond of food and drinks. He always ate food without any objection. The food combinations He was advised to make were delicious, nutritious, and beneficial for health. One of the most famous combinations our Prophet ate and encouraged was watermelon with dates. Aaisha (R.A) said,  “ Allah’s Messenger (P.B.U.H) used to eat melon with fresh dates,  and then said,  ‘We remove the heat of this one (dates) with the coldness of this one (watermelon), and the coldness of this one (watermelon) with the heat of this one (dates) ” Sunan Abi Dawud 3836. There are hadiths from the Prophet PBUH that state the benefits of eating watermelon. Some of them are: The Prophet (P.B.U.H) stated: “No single woman eats watermelon while pregnant unless their child will be born with a beautiful face and character.” The Prophet (P.B.U.H) ment

Does Hijama/Wet Cupping Break Wudu(Ablution)?

  This is a common question, I usually come across whether the Hijama breaks Wudu. According to the Islamic point of view, there are two schools of thought whether cupping breaks wudu or we can perform salaah after cupping without performing ablution. What Breaks Wudu Wudu is an Islamic ritual performed by Muslims before prayer. It involves purifying body parts with water and, in some cases, tayammum—Wudu emphasis on spiritual and physical cleanliness. Muslims can’t pray without wudu. Let’s explore the options that break wudu. Natural body excretion (Urine, feces, fart) Mouthful of vomiting Deep sleep Sexual intercourse Loss of consciousness Menstruation Leaking of blood due to illness Cupping Doesn’t Break Wudu According to the majority of scholars including the companions of our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), bleeding doesn’t break wudu other than coming from male and female sexual organs. A Hadith mentions that Our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) performed Hijama and prayed salaah witho

Mandatory Gap Of Hijama Between One Session To Another

  A recommended gap of Hijama between one session to another is 4 to 12 weeks. As a Hijama Practitioner, I often encountered the question of how much gap is mandatory between two Hijama sessions. The answer will vary for each individual because it depends on their age, health issues, and overall body system. A recommended gap is 4 to 12 weeks. 4 Weeks Gap The 4-week gap is recommended for individuals between 20 and 50. It is also recommended for patients who have skin issues, migraines, hormonal imbalances, infertility issues, digestive issues, liver problems, and thyroid gland problems. A 4-week gap is suggested for a few months until patients feel a difference in their health. Sometimes patients want to come for another Hijama session after 2 or 3 weeks, but I disapprove of that. The scientific reason behind the 4-week gap is that when we do Hijama, our work is done but the cleaning inside the body just started. The toxic blood comes out and the body begins to make new blood cells. S

Blood Thinner Medication & Hijama/Wet Cupping Therapy

  Patients with blood thinner medications can perform Hijama cupping therapy with a few precautions. What Are Blood Thinner? Blood thinners can be lifesaving medicines that prevent blood from composing bigger clots. These medicines can not dissolve huge clots that are already formed but they stop the blood from making more bigger clots. Blood should be thin enough to flow smoothly through the veins and arteries. Blood thinners should be consumed as directed, taking less medicine won’t be as effective as required and too much can lead to heavy bleeding in case of injury. Two Categories Of Blood Thinner Medicine There are two categories of blood thinners:  anticoagulants  that slow the formatting of clots from getting bigger and  antiplatelets  that keep the proteins from sticking in the blood and aid the blood from clotting. Why Doctors Recommend Blood Thinners The doctors prescribe these medicines to those people who have: Risk of heart attack or stroke Irregular heartbeats Deep vein t

Introduction To Hijama Cupping Therapy

  Cupping therapy is an ancient medical therapy that treats illnesses and ailments. The word ‘Hijama’ was originally an Arabic word derived from ‘Al-Hajm’. In English, it means ‘sucking’ and is referred to as ‘Wet cupping therapy’. History Of Cupping Therapy Cupping therapy was practised in Egypt as early as 6000 years ago. Ebers Papyrus, one of the oldest medical textbooks in the world, described cupping therapy as practised by Egyptians in 1550 BC . Archaeologists have found traces of metal or bamboo cups in China. The Chinese have been practicing Cupping therapy for at least 3000 years along with acupuncture, moxibustion, Chinese massage and traditional Chinese medicine treatment. In Ancient Greece, Hippocrates also mentioned Hijama with the Four-Hour temperament theory in 400 BC. Hijama cupping therapy is a Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H) as mentioned in several ahadith. When our beloved Prophet visited the Heavens on the night of Isra (Mi’raaj) the angels mentioned: “Oh Mo