
Showing posts from January, 2024

8 Proven Strategies to Combat Depression

  Depression is becoming increasingly common, especially among teenagers, who are experiencing higher rates of panic attacks. Before diving into solutions, let’s first understand the issue. Depression is a real medical condition that impacts both the mind and body, affecting individuals mentally, physically, and emotionally. It’s more than just feeling sad — it affects overall well-being. Here’s what happens: Mental Effects Imbalance of neurotransmitters  — Chemicals like serotonin, and dopamine, which regulate mood, and stress hormones, may become imbalanced. Increased stress hormones  — The body produces more cortisol (the stress hormone), which can contribute to anxiety, fatigue, and inflammation. Physical Symptoms Fatigue and low energy  — You might feel exhausted even after resting. Sleep disturbances  — Insomnia (trouble sleeping) or hypersomnia (sleeping too much) are common. Appetite changes  — Some people overeat for comfort, while others lose thei...

Benefits Of Henna For Headaches With Hijama & Prophetic Medicine

  In Prophetic Medicine, Henna is considered very effective for headaches. l-Bukhari and Abu-Dawud in his sunan recorder:  Never did anyone complain to the Messenger of Allah(PBUH) of a headache, but the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said to him. Let you be cupped and never did anyone complain to Him (PBUH) from pain in the leg. The messenger of Allah said, Let you apply henna to your leg. It is recorded in At-Tirmidhi on the authority of Salma Umm Rafi, the maidservant of the prophet (PBUH) said:  Never was the Prophet (PBUH) afflicted by an ulcer or a thorn but that he applied the henna on it. Ibn Majah recorded in his sunan a hadith:  “ Whenever the Prophet (PBUH) suffered headache, he used to cover his head with the henna and says, ‘ it will benefit in curing headache, by the will of Allah”. H eadache is a pain that strikes one part of the head or all of it. There are many types of headaches. Sometimes it strikes only at the back or maybe on the front side of the hea...

Reasons for Having Fever After Hijama/Wet Cupping Therapy

  Some of my clients complained of having a fever after the session of Hijama. Let’s discuss why it happens. Hijama cupping therapy is a traditional alternative medical treatment practiced in ancient Egyptians, Chinese culture, Arabic medicine, Greek medicine, and Prophetic medicine. Cupping alleviates pain by increasing blood circulation and eliminating toxins from the body. Cupping also helps to reduce inflammation and increases blood flow, which provides relaxation and well-being to the body. Hijama cupping therapy has been a safe and secure method to handle issues with soft tissues and stiff muscles for centuries. When cups are applied on the targetted area of the skin, it creates negative pressure. The negative pressure helps to reduce the tension and stiffness in the muscles and also aids in releasing the myofascial and scar tissues. Hijama cupping therapy is a safe and secure therapy. Generally, it does not cause any severe side effects. However, some symptoms may occur for ...

Nabeez With Dates-A Prophetic, Sunnah Drink

  Nabeez is one of the most popular, alkaline Sunnah tonics that Our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) used to drink. Nabeez is a prophetic drink recommended by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Sayydhina Ai’sha (RA) has said: “We would prepare this by putting a handful of dates or raisins into a Mashkeeza. If we prepared Nabeez in the night, the Beloved Prophet (PBUH) would drink it during the day and if we prepared it during the day, He would drink it at night. (Musnad Ahmad, vol. 9, pp. 301, Hadees 24263)”. Nabeez Ingredients: Dates or raisins, almonds, barley (add whatever you like) Quantity: 3–4 dates Water Quantity: One glass Method:  soak dates overnight, drink the water in the morning and eat the soaked dates as our  Prophet (PBUH ) used to do. Preparing Nabeez drink is as simple as soaking dates in a glass of water and drinking it after 12 hours.  When dates or raisins are soaked in a glass of water, it sweetens water and softens the dates. Soaked dates release all the minerals...