
Showing posts from February, 2024

8 Proven Strategies to Combat Depression

  Depression is becoming increasingly common, especially among teenagers, who are experiencing higher rates of panic attacks. Before diving into solutions, let’s first understand the issue. Depression is a real medical condition that impacts both the mind and body, affecting individuals mentally, physically, and emotionally. It’s more than just feeling sad — it affects overall well-being. Here’s what happens: Mental Effects Imbalance of neurotransmitters  — Chemicals like serotonin, and dopamine, which regulate mood, and stress hormones, may become imbalanced. Increased stress hormones  — The body produces more cortisol (the stress hormone), which can contribute to anxiety, fatigue, and inflammation. Physical Symptoms Fatigue and low energy  — You might feel exhausted even after resting. Sleep disturbances  — Insomnia (trouble sleeping) or hypersomnia (sleeping too much) are common. Appetite changes  — Some people overeat for comfort, while others lose thei...

What Are The Major Causes of Depression & How To Prevent Them?

  Being a Hijama Therapist, I have observed that depression has become a part of our daily routine life. Photo by  Fernando @cferdophotography  on  Unsplash Feeling down from time to time is normal, but when negative feelings take hold of you for longer than usual, then you may have depression. It is a mental disorder that causes constant feelings of sadness and unshakable dark emotions. Depression is always considered a mental illness, but believe it or not, depression hurts physically as much as it tortures you mentally. Nowadays I am getting many clients with depression and anxiety. There is a pattern that everyone follows that ends up in depression and anxiety. Let’s talk about some of the major causes of depression that have become a part of our daily lives. It is necessary to discuss them to spread awareness among people. Several factors contribute to the causes of depression. Lack of oxygen  aggravates brain cells and causes a high rate of depression and ...